A day of surprises awaits you, in the remains of Charles V's palace. Get lost underground and immerse yourself in Brussels' prestigious Renaissance past. Dress up as a Knight of the Golden Fleece or a lady-in-waiting, learn to shoot with a crossbow or learn to handle a sword. Travel back in time and discover the treasures of our history, traditions and Brussels folklore in the remains of Charles V's palace under Place Royale in Brussels.
The programme includes :
- Costumes galore - before you know it you'll look like a character from another era
- Meet the Brussels Ommegang: its flag bearers, ladies and gentlemen from the Court of Charles V
- Crossbow shooting in the presence of Grand Serment royal and the Saint Georges des Arbalétriers of Brussels
- Toone and his puppet theatre: initiation and entertainment guaranteed
- Spanish fencing: practise with us, in complete safety
- Learn to make your own marzipan
- Games inspired by Bruegel's paintings.
- ...
Practical information:
FAMILY DAY - Sunday 18 May 10am-6pm
Coudenberg Palace
Paleizenplein 7, 1000 Brussels
Info : + 32 (0)2 500 45 54 - www.coudenberg.brussels
- Normal | €10.
- Groups/seniors (+15 people, +65) | €8.
- Discounted price | € 5
- Free admission up to the age of 18, for children accompanied by their parents
- Activities included in the entrance fee
- Catering available on site
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