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1. Haftung

Der Coudenberg haftet für keinerlei Schäden, welcher Art auch immer, die durch die Nutzung von Informationen aus dieser oder anderen Seiten, auf die wir verwiesen haben, entstehen können.
Der Coudenberg haftet auch nicht für Unterbrechungen, Störungen oder technische Fehler, die mit der Veröffentlichung der hier vorliegenden Informationen einhergehen können.
Die mit der Veröffentlichung der Informationen verbundenen Unterbrechungen, Störungen und Fehler können keinesfalls Gegenstand eines finanziellen Ausgleichs sein.

2. Geistige Eigentumsrechte

Der Entwurf der Seite sowie alle damit verbundenen spezifischen Elemente (insbesondere die Struktur, das Layout, Logo und die Datenbank) bleiben Eigentum des Coudenbergs.
Der Benutzer kann keine Eigentumsrechte an den hier veröffentlichten Informationen geltend machen. Informationen, Bilder, Illustrationen und Dokumente der Seite bleiben das Eigentum des Coudenbergs bzw. derjenigen Personen, die die Informationen bereitgestellt haben. Sämtliche Informationen können nur mit ausdrücklicher und schriftlicher Genehmigung des Coudenbergs, Place des Palais 7, 1000 Brüssel, kopiert, verteilt oder verkauft werden.

3. Cookies

CoWenn Sie unsere Website oder unsere nativen Apps besuchen oder benutzen, können Cookies auf der Festplatte Ihres Rechners abgelegt werden. Wir verwenden Cookies, um unseren regelmäßigen Besuchern ein optimales Benutzererlebnis zu bieten. Siehe unsere Cookie-Richtlinien.

Cookie Settings


4. Bildnachweis

Palast Coudenberg, M. Vanhulst, V. Evrard, Museen der Stadt Brüssel - Maison du Roi.

5. Persönliche Daten

Beim Besuch unserer Website oder unserer nativen Apps werden einige Daten für statistische Zwecke erhoben. Diese Daten ermöglichen es uns, Ihr Benutzererlebnis zu optimieren. Dazu gehören Daten im Zusammenhang mit Ihrer Internetverbindung: Apps, Browser und Geräte, die für den Zugriff auf die Website oder native Apps verwendet werden: eindeutige Identifizierung, Browsertyp und -einstellungen, Gerätetyp und -einstellungen, Betriebssystem, mobilfunknetzdaten, IP-Adresse, Fehlerberichte, Systemaktivität, Datum, Uhrzeit und URL Ihrer Anfrage, sowie Standortinformationen. Mit dem Besuch unserer Website oder der Nutzung unserer nativen Apps stimmen Sie der Erhebung dieser Daten für statistische Zwecke ausdrücklich zu. Ihre persönlichen Daten sind ausschließlich für den internen Gebrauch bestimmt.

Ohne Ihre vorherige Zustimmung werden Ihre persönlichen Daten nicht an Dritte weitergegeben oder verkauft. Der Palast Coudenberg hat alle derzeit verfügbaren technischen und organisatorischen Maßnahmen ergriffen, um eine Datenschutzverletzung zu vermeiden.

5.1. Why this Privacy Statement?

Every person (hereafter the “User”) who visits or uses the Website or its native applications discloses a certain amount of personal data. The personal data is information which allows the asbl Palais de Charles Quint to identify you as a natural person, regardless of whether we actually do this. You are identifiable as soon as it is possible to create a direct or indirect link between one or more data and you as a natural person. 

The asbl Palais de Charles Quint pays much attention to the protection of your private life and your personal data. We only use and process your personal data in accordance with the Belgian Law of 8 November 1992 on the Protection of the Private Life with regard to the Processing of Personal Data, and the European Regulation of 27 April 2016 on the Protection of Natural Persons with regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free Movement of such Data (or “General Data Protection Regulation”, hereafter GDPR).

We wish to inform you of the possible processing operations of your personal data and your rights. By using our Website or our native applications, you expressly accept the collection and processing of your personal data by the asbl Palais de Charles Quint as described hereafter. The asbl Palais de Charles Quint reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at all times. Every substantial change will be clearly communicated towards the User. We advise you to consult this document regularly. 

5.2. Who is responsible for the processing of personal data?

The asbl Palais de Charles Quint is responsible for the Website and its native applications.

Contact information:

ASBL Palais de Charles Quint
Rue Royale 2-4
1000 Brussels
Telephone: +32/2/563.61.79
Company number R.P.M. / R.P.R. Tribunal d’entreprise francophone Bruxelles : 0463.156.291

5.3. Which personal data are being processed?

The asbl Palais de Charles Quint commits to only collect and process data adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed. The following categories of personal data are processed by the asbl Palais de Charles Quint:

  • Data relative to the connexion: applications, navigators and devices used for access to the Website and the native applications (unique identification, type and parameters of the navigator, type and parameters of the device, operating system, data about the mobile network; IP address, error report, system activity; date, time and URL regarding your location), information about the geographical position.

5.4. For which purposes are my personal data being used?

The asbl Palais de Charles Quint collects your personal data for the sole purpose of offering you a safe, optimised and personal user experience of our Website and our native applications. The collection of personal data becomes more extensive as you make more intensive use of our Website and its native applications.

The processing of your personal data is essential for the proper functioning of the Website and its native applications. The asbl Palais de Charles Quint commits to solely process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To improve our Website and our native applications.

When visiting the Website or our native applications, some data from point 3 are being collected for statistical purposes. Such data is necessary to optimise your user experience. When you visit the Website or our native applications, you explicitly agree to this collection of data for statistical purposes.

The User provides the personal data to the asbl Palais de Charles Quint itself and can therefore exercise some kind of control. When certain data is incomplete or apparently incorrect, the User has the right to postpone some expected actions temporarily or permanently.

Your personal data are processed for internal use only. Your personal data will not be sold, passed on or communicated to any third parties, except in case you have given us your explicit prior consent.

5.5. We also use cookies

We also use cookies in order to recognise the User and to offer the User a personalised user experience, to remember technical choices (for example, language choices), and to detect and correct any errors which might be present on the Website.

For more information concerning the use of cookies, we kindly refer you to our Cookie Statement.

If you consult our Website or our native applications, it is recommended you enable cookies. However, you are free to disable cookies in your browser settings if you wish to do so. For more details, we refer you to our Cookie Statement.

5.6. What are my rights?

5.6.1. Guarantee of a legitimate and secure process of your personal data

Your personal data are always processed for the legitimate purposes explained in point 4. They are collected and processed in an appropriate, relevant and non-excessive manner, and are not kept longer than necessary to achieve the intended purposes.

All technical and security measures have been taken to limit at the maximum the risks of illegal or unauthorised access or processing of your personal data. In case of intrusion in one of its computer systems, the asbl Palais de Charles Quint will take immediately all necessary measures to reduce the damage to its minimum.

5.6.2. Right to access

If you can prove your identity, you have the right to obtain information about the processing of your data. Thus, you have the right to know the purposes of the processing, the categories of data concerned, the categories of recipients to whom the data are transmitted, the criteria used to determine the data retention period, and the rights that you can exercise on your data.

5.6.3. Right to rectification of your personal data

Inaccurate or incomplete personal data may be corrected. It is primarily the responsibility of the User to make the necessary changes in his "user area" himself, but you can also request us in writing.

5.6.4. Right to erasure (or “right to be forgotten”)

You also have the right to obtain the erasure of your personal data under the following assumptions:

  • Your personal data are no longer necessary for the intended purposes;
  • You withdraw your consent to the processing and there is no other legal ground for processing;
  • You have validly exercised your right of opposition;
  • Your data has been illegally processed;
  • Your data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation.

The deletion of data is mainly related to visibility; it is possible that the deleted data are still temporarily stored.

5.6.5. Right to limitation of processing

In certain cases, you have the right to request the limitation of the processing of your personal data, especially in case of dispute as to the accuracy of the data, if the data are necessary in the context of legal proceedings or the time required to the asbl Palais de Charles Quint to verify that you can validly exercise your right to erasure.

5.6.6. Right to object

You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes. The asbl Palais de Charles Quint will stop processing your personal data unless it can demonstrate that there are compelling legitimate reasons for the processing which prevail over your right to object.

5.6.7. Right to data portability

You have the right to obtain any personal data which you have provided us in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format. At your request, this data may be transferred to another provider unless it is technically impossible.

5.6.8. Right to withdraw your consent

You may withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time, for example for direct marketing purposes. The withdrawal of your consent doesn’t invalidate previous operations.

5.7. How to exercise my rights?

If you wish to exercise your rights, you must send a written request and proof of identity by registered mail to asbl Palais de Charles Quint, Rue Royale 2-4, 1000 Brussels, or by email to We will respond as soon as possible, and no later than 1 month after receipt of the request.

5.8. Possibility to lodge a complaint

If you are not satisfied with the processing of your personal data by the asbl Palais de Charles Quint, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Data Protection Authority (for Belgium: