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Coudenberg has an archaeology, history of art and history library, focusing mainly on the palace of Coudenberg, the City of Brussels, royal residences, the regions of the old Netherlands and the sovereigns who ruled over them… The library is open to researchers by prior appointment.

Contact:, +32 (0)2 563 61 79


Couverture monographieIn 2014, a reference book on Coudenberg Palace was published. The special feature of this monograph is that it deals with the archaeological remains presented to the public. For the first time, the results of the excavations completed in 2006 and the studies, some of which are still in progress, are presented in a general and precise manner. Illustrated with a varied and largely unpublished iconography, the various chapters have been written by renowned specialists, archaeologists, historians and art historians.

Vincent Heymans (dir.), Laetitia Cnockaert & Frédérique Honoré (coord.), Coudenberg Palace Brussels. From Medieval Castle to Archaeological Site, Mardaga, Brussels, 2014. Also available in French and Dutch.

Selective bibliography

2020. M. Fourny, "L'Aula Magna du palais du Coudenberg à Bruxelles. Tentative de restitution de l'organisation spatiale et fonctionnelle du bâtiment, des caves au greniers", Le château de fond en comble, Centre de castellologie de Bourgogne, Chagny, pp. 450-465.

1999-2020. M. Fourny (et al.), articles in Annales de la Société Royale d’Archéologie de Bruxelles, Brussels.

2016. B. Vannieuwenhuyze, "La cave à vin de la Cour du Coudenberg, propriété de la Ville de Bruxelles à la fin du XVIe siècle", Annales d'histoire de l'art & d'archéologie, t. XXXVIII, pp. 115-132.

2014. V. Heymans (dir.), L. Cnockaert & F. Honoré (coord.), Coudenberg Palace Brussels. From Medieval Castle to Archaeological Site, Mardaga, Brussels, 2014.

2006. P. Anagnostopoulos & J. Houssiau, The old palace of Coudenberg, Brussels, 2006 (Series “Brussels, City of Art and History”, n. 42).

2000. D. Van Eenhooge, T. Delcommune & M. Celis, "Onder het Koningsplein te Brussel: de hofkapel van Karel V", Monumenten en Landschappen, nr. 1, Brussel, januari-februari 2000, pp. 4-38.

1998. A. Smolar-Meynart & A. Vanrie (dir.), Le quartier royal, Brussels, 1998.

1995/1996. D. Van Eenhooge, « Grafelijk afval. Onderzoek van een beerput uit het Hof van Hoogstraten te Brussel », Archeologie in Vlaanderen, t. V, Zellik, 1995/1996, pp. 263-301.

1991. A. Smolar-Meynart & A. Vanrie (dir.), Le palais de Bruxelles. Huit siècles d’art et d’histoire, Brussels, 1991.

1988. D. Van Eenhooge & M. Celis, "Het Hof van Hoogstraeten, de Brusselse verblijfplaats van Antoine de Lalaing", Monumenten en Landschappen, nr. 4, Brussel, juli-augustus 1988, pp. 36-62.

1932. P. Saintenoy, Les arts et les artistes à la Cour de Bruxelles, Brussels, 1932.