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Guided visits


Arkadia is an association that organizes guided tours. In addition to a team that is specialized in working with schools, our guide-lecturers are historians or art historians with a teaching approach adapted to each type of audience. From specialist lecture to didactic and fun visit, or the more classic tours, we invite you to discover the Coudenberg archaeological site and/or the BELvue Museum in the language of your choice.

Tel & Fax: +32 (0)2 319 45 60

Guides for Brussels and Belgium - GBB

Our Professional Tourist Guides for Brussels and Belgium will take you round the city of Brussels and the country in coaches, on foot, in over 10 languages.They will tell you about the history, the folklore, the traditions, the legends and share their enthusiasm about the amazing past of Brussels’ and Belgium’s life today.

Rue Paul Hankar 17
1180 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)477 02 02 30

Itinéraires, sur les Sentiers de l'Histoire

Since 1986 our ambition is «to take our visitors by the hand and tell them a story». A story about a place, about its residents, about its heritage and about its culture. Itineraries are at your entire disposal, from a guided tour to the organisation of your cultural event, with its guides, speakers and animators, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, in all languages, to live art as an art of living. Guides, dancers, animators, entertainers, ... with a variety of topics such as Charles V, ... Come and experience in a whole new way the archaeological site !

Mrs Sophie Le Grand
Rue de l'Aqueduc 171
1050 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 541 03 77
Fax: +32 (0)2 541 03 73
GSM: +32 (0)496 38 85 94

Teaching files

In the genealogical tree, you will find all the sovereigns of our region, since the 12th century counts of Louvain to the 18th century Austrian emperors. It also comprises the principal Habsburg governors and governesses.

Two summaries relative to the Coudenberg palace and the Mont des Arts were worked out by the "Classes du Patrimoine et de la Citoyenneté" (Heritage and Citizenship Classes) for their animations. They may be completed by exercises.

Suitable for ages 10-11 (end primary school): "On the traces of the Coudenberg palace" 

Suitable for ages 14-15 (mid secondary school): "The Mont des Arts. Histories of a metamorphosis" 

Languages: French, Dutch.
Free download.