
Guided visits School groups

Guided visits

For guided tours, you are free to choose your preferred guide association. The Coudenberg can recommend several that regularly run tours of the museum. Do not hesitate to visit their respective websites for more details.

Some guide associations

Group visit

For your confort during the visit of the archaeological site and the museum, please book your group visit in the BELvue Museum webshop. If you have any questions about the group visits, you can contact us by email at or call us at +32 2 500 45 54.

School groups

Activities in autonomy Activities with educator Teaching files

Activities in autonomy

Group visit

For your confort during the visit of the archaeological site and the museum, please book your group visit in the BELvue Museum webshop. If you have any questions about the group visits, you can contact us by email at or call us at +32 2 500 45 54.

Waouw !

*** The WAOUW treasure chests are temporarily unavailable

You’d like to explore? Guess? Find? Create? Laugh? Tell tales? Just get into the Waouw Chests! 

Coffre Waouw
How does it work?

Divided in groups of 5 or 6, the pupils receive a bunch of keys; these open a number of chests containing a variety of activities to enjoy and discover some aspects of Coudenberg Palace: what it looked like, how it grew, its history, the collection of archaeological objects, archaeology itself… The games require mutual aid between the children and encourage the living together.

The activity takes place without an outside educator from Coudenberg Palace. The class is divided into groups of 6 pupils maximum, with one teacher / accompagnying adult.

Practical Information

Price: 4 € / child for the activity. Free access to Coudenberg under 18 years and for accompagnying adults (1 accompagnying adults / 6 children)
Languages: English, French, Dutch
Public: schools, from 6 to 12 ans (primary school)
Reservation compulsory (BELvue Museum webshop). 1 class / half day. Call: + 32 (0)2 500 45 54 in case of problem.
Duration: 1 h 30 – 2 h

Complementary documentation

Activities with educators


Korei browses behind the scenes of the present and the past, in the twilight zone between architecture, city development, literature, the way of thinking from the 18th century up to the present day. Looking, seeing and listening, for individuals or for all kinds of groups. You can discover the city by coach or on foot in a couple of hours, half a day or a full day. A made-to-measure programme for tours in foreign languages is possible on request.

Tel & Fax: +32 (0)2 380 22 09

Teaching files

In the genealogical tree, you will find all the sovereigns of our region, since the 12th century counts of Louvain to the 18th century Austrian emperors. It also comprises the principal Habsburg governors and governesses.

Two summaries relative to the Coudenberg palace and the Mont des Arts were worked out by the "Classes du Patrimoine et de la Citoyenneté" (Heritage and Citizenship Classes) for their animations. They may be completed by exercises.

Suitable for ages 10-11 (end primary school): "On the traces of the Coudenberg palace" 

Suitable for ages 14-15 (mid secondary school): "The Mont des Arts. Histories of a metamorphosis" 

Languages: French, Dutch.
Free download.